Professor. Edgar Lopategui Corsino


Greetings to all:

        The teacher of your course subscribes: Edgar Lopategui Corsino.  Welcome to the course GEHP-3000: Integral Health and Quality of Life.  This course will be offered in a contract/arrangement format, given the very limited number of students.  If I don't answer, they can call me during my hours that I don't offer class: Monday and Wednesday: 2:00 PM onwards and the rest of the days at any time.  My office hours are Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, en la Education Office (#533), on the fifth floor.

        This course requires the completion of several laboratories, which must be face-to-face.  When it is time, the date and time will be announced. These practical experiences will take place in the laboratory located in the Education Office (#533), on the fifth floor.  Also, I need some time to upload, under the blackboard [Content] button, the course requirements and other materials. The [Exáms], [Assignments] y [Laboratories] of the course will be under a folder labeled [Assessment].  Furthermore, there will be other folders located under [Content], which are: [Welcome][Academic Resources], [Electronic Presentations], among others.  As I mentioned, all such folders are sited at the [Content], section, located in the menu on the left, where there are several green buttons.  Among some of the course tasks, it is required to prepare an Oral Report (Assignment 1)  based on one of the chapters of the assigned textbook. Everything will be explained on Blackboard.

        To avoid an AW en la clase, es imperante que completen y envien el mensaje abajo descrito a mi correo en Blackboard o al correo de la institución (elopategui@intermetro.edu).  Envie esta carta lo más pronto posible, antes del lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2022, dado que es mi evidencia para evitar que se le otorque una AW.  Cualquier duda, me puede enviar un mensaje de texto, o llamar durante mis horarios que no ofrezco clases (ver arriba), al 787-433-1540.   Un ejemplo de esta carta se describe a abajo:


Greetings Professor::

I am the student ___________________________________ (write your full name here), with student number: _____________________ (write your student number here).  I am enrolled in the course:

Course Code: GEHP-3000
Course Title: Integral Health and Quality of Life
Course Section: 15529
Term (Trimester 2): 2023-23

        I promise to take this course, from the beginning until the end of it. I will have to complete all the requirements of this course.


Write your name here    


        Well, I'm saying goodbye, remember above my office hours and the way of communication with this server. We are always be available for any help.


Professor Edgar Lopategui Corsino
Associate Professor

Department of Education
Education and Behavioral Professions Faculty
Inter American University of Puerto Rico
Metrpolitan Campus
Web: http://www.metro.inter.edu/
( 787 250-1912, Exts. 2286, 2245
( 787 433-1540
* elopategui@intermetro.edu